The Three Markets for Inventions As an entrepreneurial inventor, you have three markets for your products: consumer, industrial and governmental. You may sell your product in just one of these markets, in two, or in all three. Determining your primary and secondary markets can be of crucial importance to your success. Many inventors-turned-business persons often do not have the slightest idea where to sell or promote their concepts. Always explore all possible market areas before ruling them out as potential money makers. Many simple household inventions have found major markets in industry and government use. Likewise, many industrial creations have become consumer household and sporting goods products, as well as items used by government agencies. Use the brainstorming techniques described in the next chapter to try to develop additional market concepts for your product. Make use of the many resources in this book as you research various avenues for marketing your invention. And strive to have several projects going at the same time. As you do so, you must keep in mind that the inventing process will go through distinct phases.